Sony Entertainment Television’s homegrown kids singing reality show, Superstar Singer 2 has charmed the audience with its extraordinary disp...
Sony Entertainment Television’s homegrown kids singing reality show, Superstar Singer 2 has charmed the audience with its extraordinary display of young singing talent week on week. In the race to become the next Singing Ka Kal, the contestants are leaving no stones unturned to impress the audience with their singing. This Saturday, promising an evening like never before, the show will celebrate the ever young ‘senior citizens’ who have proved that age is just a number by surprising the society with their achievements and choice of lifestyle in the ‘Junior Citizen Special’ episode. Admiring the true spirits of these special guests, the ‘Best Bache Ever’ with their melodious voices will give a heartwarming tribute to the senior citizens making them feel extra-special.
Superstar Singer 2’s charming Rockstar, contestant Mohammad Faiz from Jodhpur has been giving back-to-back phenomenal performances winning millions of hearts. And, this week, Faiz will be seen transforming the stage of Superstar Singer 2 into a Qawwali night with his powerful performance on Rishi Kapoor’s iconic song ‘Parda hai Parda’. Cheering Mohd. Faiz will be the special guests - Mohanlal and Leelaben, a couple who have travelled across India on a bullet; Surely proving that age is just a number and one can fulfil their dreams at anytime. Not only will the couple be seen enjoying this performance, but Mohanlal will also be seen giving a rose to Leela ben expressing his love for her. An aww moment indeed!
Faiz’s performance will be so mesmerizing that Judge Alka Yagnik will call him ‘Singing Ka Kal’ as he has a lot of potential and will go a long way. Post the performance, Judge Javed Ali will dedicate ‘Aye meri johra zabin’ to the cute biker couple. The lively couple will be seen dancing on the same making everyone go ‘awww’.
Watch Superstar Singer 2 every Saturday and Sunday at 8:00 PM on Sony Entertainment Television
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