Sony Entertainment Television’s kids singing reality show, Superstar Singer 2 has charmed the audience with its extraordinary display of you...
Sony Entertainment Television’s kids singing reality show, Superstar Singer 2 has charmed the audience with its extraordinary display of young singing talent week on week. In the race to become the next Singing Ka Kal, the contestants are leaving no stones unturned to impress the audience with their singing. This Sunday, the show will be graced by the 80s Bollywood divas Padmini Kolhapure and Poonam Dhillon in the ‘Poonam and Padmini ji special’ episode.
Taking the golden opportunity, Captain Salman Ali will ask Poonam Dhillon to dance along with him. Doing chance pe dance, captain Mohammad Danish and Pawandeep Rajan will be seen joining Salman and Poonam ji on the stage. The evergreen beauty Poonam Dhillon along with the Superstar Singer 2 captains trio will groove to Poonam ji’s popular love song Gapuchi Gapuchi Gam Gam. The captains will be seen dancing with Poonam and will give her roses. A shower of flower petals, beautiful music and indeed a cute moment with the captains, Poonam ji will definitely be taking back home a special moment to cherish forever. Not just that, she will also reveal the meaning of Gapuchi Gapuchi Gam Gam which translates to “I love you so much.”
Stay tuned this weekend at 8 pm. on Sony TV to witness the ‘Poonam and Padmini ji special’ episode on Superstar Singer 2 this Sunday.
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