Since the show's promo launch, viewers have been envisioning the show's remarkable love story and, of course, its title track, '...
Since the show's promo launch, viewers have been envisioning the show's remarkable love story and, of course, its title track, 'Ishq Bina Kya Jeena Yaara,' which makes the audiences feel incredibly dynamic by the scenic mountain ranges. In the show, ‘Gud Se Meetha Ishq’ we may also contemplate and foresee that the lead actress Pankhuri Awasthy’s husband Gautam Rode might make appearances in the show as he has been approached to deliver a cameo for the show on Star Bharat.
The fans are completely elated and is eagerly waiting to see the phenomenal couple sharing screen for the first time. Along with real life, the most adorable couple will be now seen in ‘reel-life’ setting the sets on fire with their chemistry. Moreover, the show's lead character, played by the audience's favourite actress Pankhuri Awasthi, will be viewed as a tourist guide who will refute the stereotypes prevalent in this male-dominated society. Pankhuri Awasthi has played a variety of powerful characters in the past, and has always portrayed her versatility.
Produced by Film Farm India, the show will soon take the audience to a new love story. While actress Meera Deosthale plays Pari, a mentally challenged girl, Ishaan Dhawan will be seen in lead roles as photographer Neel Khurana. If we talk about the other cast of the show, then big names like Peelu Vidyarthi, Vishal Chaudhary, Amrapali Gupta, Ananya Khare are also included in its impressive list.
Get ready to witness the all new and fresh love story coming on TV and watch 'Gud Se Meetha Ishq' this April 18, Monday to Friday at 7:30 pm only on STAR Bharat.
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